Wolfpro 0.1 Beta Release Changelog: [RoadMap] Wolfpro 0.1 Beta
Extract the zip file to your games root directory
start the server with the following arguments: +set fs_game wolfpro
Extract the zip file to your games root directory
start the game with the following arguments: +set fs_game wolfpro
Your configs can remain in the base directory, wolfpro will read them from there
this might be helpful: http://myhannes.info/wiki/index.php/Client_Setup
This pak can be modifyd by the client! It contains at the moment the wolfenstein hitsounds
Replace those files (keep the names) with your own hitsounds to have them working in wolfenstein
Since we cannot possibly know the perfect spawn time for the maps, we added the map scripts in this
pk4. If you want to change the spawntime for a team, just open the pk4 file, and edit the mapfile you
wish to change. For example, changing bank spawn would go as follow:
open: script/maps/mp_bank.script
search for:
alliedTeam.SetRespawnWait( 13 ); //Wolfpro
axisTeam.SetRespawnWait( 14 ); //Wolfpro
and replace it with your desired spawn time. If they work, make sure to contact us and give us feedback.
Other Method is, just allwo cheats on server set ws_allied/axisRespawnTime to the respawn time you want and restart the map. You can disable cheats than again.
This is only a trick and workaround, since we cant add game / profile cvars!
Thats it, please report back at: http://forums.myhannes.info
* Fixed Console spam caused by a null entity call on the flamethrower
* Fixed Console spam when constructing objectives, the ApplyNetstate one was not removeable for now
Game HUD:
* Rebuilt the HUD from scratch basically
* Removed every component
* Added a Spawntimer to the HUD (under the Map time)
* Added a Ready Up indicator in warmups
* Added a Fire Team to the HUD (this needs feedback)
* Moved the Obituary List under the respawn timer and extended it to 6 Popups
* Moved the Chat List to the left down side, and extended it to 5 Popups
* Added a numeric HP display, aswell as a small bar
* Added a numeric Veil Power display, aswell as a small bar
* Added a numeric Grenade and Satchel / Healt pack / Ammo pack display. If you run out of charge, a chargebar will be displayed until its full again
* Added a numeric Ammo display, aswell as a small bar. The bar will turn red on low ammo and on reloads
* Added a weapon indicator icon, it will turn red on low ammo and on reloads
* flipped the ammo symbol on the hud (hi bjorn)
* Removed the revive symbol when standing on a body.
* Spectator box transparency increased
* All obiturary icons are now not picmipped anymore!
Please give us feedback on this topic here: [UPDATE]HUD Development. Feedback wanted
Scoreboard HUD:
* Removed the solid backgroundimage when ingame.
* Lowered the black background opacity when ingame.
Gameplay changes:
We are verry carful when touching gameplay elements, yet there is few which is just not good for a solid MP game.
* Made crouch faster
* Brought back some kind of strafing
Spawn system:
* Removed the personal wait time
* The first spawn is random for both teams. This is because we dont want to have both teams spawning at the same time
* Bank spawns are fixed to 12 seconds on the allied side and 20 seconds on the axis side
* Rooftop spawns are fixed to 12 seconds on the allied side and 20 seconds on the axis side
* All other maps have a fixed spawn to 15seconds on the allied side and 25seconds on the axis side
Please give us feedback on this topic here: The Respawn System
Objective changes:
* Objective Label and Icon wont be visible through walls anymore
* Return Labels and Icon wont be visible through walls anymore
* Teammates can see the icons through walls!
Revive changes:
* You wanted it so bad, here you have it. Instant revive and no 3rd person view
* BUT you have to be close to the guy you revive, and crouching is recommended!
Misc changes:
* Raised footstep sounds
* Lowered luger sound
* Removed Weapon Tracers
* Removed Weapon Muzzleflash
* Localized the hitsounds: You will be able to put any sound you want as your hitsounds. The server does not need to have those sounds or package
* Removed impact effects (due to lot request)
Weapon Changes:
We are eager to help the community on the weapon part, but since this is the most sensitive part of the game, we DO requiere your feedback.
So if the changed weapons in this release do somehow not fit, let us know, else we cant change it
* MP40 spread when shooting from the hip was reduced to close to that of the ironsight
* Grenade velocity is now a bit higher again, not as high as in the unpatched retail game
Interaction System:
This was number one on our priority list, and i am glad that we could make the changes we wanted, even witouth the SDK.
* Objectives always had to pick up, now you can just walk over them to pick them up.
* Syringe, or magical whatever, can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it
* Pliers / Wrench can be bound to _weapon2 and you can basically walk over the map with it
Graphical / Map Tweaks:
* Removed Postprocess from the HUDs
* Removed Dust from Maps
* Removed Fog from Maps
* Removed Effects from Maps
* Removed Flash from main Objectives, kept them on the weapons
* Removed leaf animations from trees
Please give us feedback on this topic here: Map Tweaks - Feedback is welcome!