As always, when a new game comes out, there is a gather community to follow. Wolfenstein is no exception to this rule, and thus a gather community is born! #Wolfenstein.Gather currently has over 200 (and counting) users, frequent gather matches, 3 private servers, 2 public servers, sponsorship from well-known companies & a ventrilo 3.0 100 slot server for all to use.
Becoming involved could really not be any easier! For those of you who already use IRC, just add #Wolfenstein.Gather to your perform list / channel favourites. For those of you who don't have IRC, you can use a simple web-based client such as this one.
The basic commands:
* !add - This will add you to the list of players
* !remove - This will remove you from the list of players
* !vent - This will display the ventrilo information
* !stats - This will show you how many gather have taken place so far
* !last - This will show when the last gather started
Public SW Server: connect (NL)
Public Objective Server: (NL)